If you have a dream. What do you do to reach it?

July 22, 2010

Stop to complaint NOW!!!

Firstly, sorry for my desaperance. I had some problems. But now everything is okay again.

Today I'll talk about plaints.
Who is that never complained about something?
It can be about weather, your job, your husband/wife and anythings else.
But it's scientifically proved that complaining can even harm your health.
I'll explain you...

Everyone complains all the time for several reasons. Actually, it works like a magnet. The more you complain  more bad things you are attracting to your life.
Okay, that's like law of attraction. It argues that thoughts (conscious or unconscious) can affect things outside the head.
The law of attraction became popular after the release of "The Secret". It's available in a book or even a movie. See it and you will understand why I have been talking about positive thoughts.
I've been sure about the law of attraction. However, sometimes I think: What can I do for attracting the good things I want?
It's not easy.
When you have a dream. For example, win a championship. You are almost ending the game and losing. Okay, this law says if you trust, and really trust, that you can win. You will win.
But like I said before, it's not easy. Wondering that you are losing, you just can't take away this feeling and then you will attract the defeat.
It works the same way with your plaints. Complaining about that thing you will attract more that thing to your life.
In another day, surfing on internet I found something interestant. It's a web site about a program for "A Complaint Free World".
What I got of it was that Bill Bowen developed a system to evade the complaints. This system ask you use a bracelet in one wrist and when you complain about anything just switch it to other wrist. That's a way to track your thoughts.
You can read more informations in this website: http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/
Take a look and tell what you think...

Then in the next post I'll give you some steps for a complaint free thoughts, okay?
See you soon.
Fabiola Garcia.